A flooding cave is a terrible place to find yourself - especially if you happen to be water-soluble.
In Floodwater - my entry to the Ludum Dare 54 Compo - you must ascend through a series of eight floors, solving puzzles to clear a path as you race against an ever-expanding pool of deadly water.
The game can be played entirely with the directional buttons. If you need to, you can restart a level with X.

This is very satisfying! I'd definitely play more levels if you build it out post-jam.

Fun levels, good lesson in designing levels to explain the game without spelling it out - thx!

I like how quickly the flooding can get out of hand. Creates a panicked feeling, but makes you feel smart when you figure out how to manage the level.
Great work!

Lovely game - beautifully polished and the music is great. The water animation is really nice too. Just needs a few more levels though!

But seriously this was a really fun game and and interesting concept to explore.

I must be dumb but I don’t even understand how to get past the first level -_- can someone explain?
Game looks lovely btw! I like how you even animate the pico8 boot screen moving out of the way, neat trick :)

Hi @japhib - move right and then push the box forward. This prevents the water from flooding the rest of the leve . Then collect the key at top left and head to the exit at top right

@phil thanks, now I get it! I think I had only tried pushing that box too late when the water was already on the other side
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