I made this as game #1 of The 20 Games Challenge. It's my first PICO-8 game and I'm not really a retro gamer/coder. I'm sure it could be better, but like...
It's Pong, you know? If you have feedback on doing things better I'd love to hear it! Or better yet, a link to a really well executed Pong that I can learn from :D

Nice slick visuals. Pretty clean code, too. I enjoyed it, I'm very fond of PONG because that's the first game I make whenever I play with a new framework/engine/etc. Currently prototyping a 3D VR PONG game in Godot to test the VR waters...
Paddle and ball collision seems to be a bit wonky, the ball will just bounce left and right unless you make a charging hit with the side to disrupt the balls path.
My advice would be to adjust the collision to have the ball differentiate its angle based on how close you are to the edge. Then, have the CPU automatically do an off center shot at the beginning.
I also would like to suggest that you make the score print font bigger
Here is an example of larger text to replace player 1's score print statement with...
print("\^w\^t"..p1_str, 44, 8, 7)

Rad, thanks for the score idea!
I will probably update this to have multiplayer and more angle stuff later on. Thanks!
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