Hello Community!
I wonder if any of you can enlighten me as to the under the hood differences of loops that I am encountering.
does anyone know why this works:
function iterate(tbl,fnc) for o in all(tbl) do if fnc=='u' then o:update() elseif fnc=='d' then o:draw() elseif fnc=='h' then hit_test(player,o) end end end |
while this only works for update and draw but not for testing the collision?
function iterate(tbl,fnc) for i=1,#tbl do local o=tbl[i] if fnc=='u' then o:update() elseif fnc=='d' then o:draw() elseif fnc=='h' then hit_test(player,o) end end end |
In order for update and draw to work, the program must know that o=tbl[i] is an object with methods. So why does hit_test act like o is nil?
Any insight is greatly appreciated.

goes through each of the values in the table that have an integer index. The other loop assumes that the table contains a valid sequence and goes through each element in the sequence. If o
is ending up as nil, then that probably means the table's sequence has holes.

Thanks very much for the explanation. Just so I understand, should I expect both of these examples to behave identically? And the fact that they don't is evidence of a bugged table?

Not quite. According to the manual, all()
goes in the order that the elements were added. They should have the same behavior if the table was created all at once or in sequence order. However, if the table created by manually placing each element in the sequence, then they could have a different order. The loop that uses the length operator will always go through the sequence in order.
It may be good to also know why the loop with the length operator could fail. The way the length operator is defined in lua is that it returns an index that isn't nil but is followed by nil. In the case of a table that has multiple such indices, any one of them is allowed to be returned.

Ahhh. I see. I didn't pick up on that. Thanks again! This is immensely helpful!
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