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Cart #hersheys_train_line-0 | 2023-04-19 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Press 'Z' or 'X' to toggle the mouse cursor when playing on a desktop.

Hershey's Train Line is a present for my son, Hershel, for his 3rd birthday. Draw a path around the obstacles to get the train from one side of the screen to the other!

At any intersection, the train always follows a straight path when possible. When faced with a T intersection, the train always turns left.

If you've got any young people in your family that are as into trains as my son is, I hope this makes them smile!

P#128759 2023-04-19 19:20


Lovely game but mate, the music is something else. Really well done.

P#128821 2023-04-21 00:56

Very cute. Gold star. Could we please have a visible mouse cursor to help us know where we're placing track?

Puzzle challenge: make a track where completely non-trademark infringing blue tank engine loops endlessly such that he crosses at least one segment of track in both directions.

I don't think this is possible on every layout of obstacles, reset the cart to get a different layout.

P#128823 2023-04-21 01:32

@TrickyDicky - Thank you! I'm really glad you think so - I tried to put a lot of effort into the soundtrack!

P#128853 2023-04-21 16:25

@Cowirrie - Wow, thanks for spending the time with it to come up with extra challenges! You can enable the mouse-cursor by pressing 'Z' or 'X' when playing on desktop.

I'm actually planning to expand this into a puzzle game intended for adults, with those sort of challenge mechanics - like, you'll need to make a track which passes over collectables before making it to the exit. Those fun loops are great puzzle inspiration! :)

P#128854 2023-04-21 16:31

I've been playing it in a similar way, but with a different puzzle variant: how can I make the train trip as long as possible, yet still have the train eventually complete its journey? Usually this involves setting up a long section of track with a turnaround, as pictured.

P#128916 2023-04-23 06:53

This is excellent all-around. Your son is a lucky kid.

P#128924 2023-04-23 14:36

@cmounce - Wow - that's impressive! I absolutely love how people are making other challenges out of it!

@UnitVector - Thanks! He had a great time with it, which was very validating!

P#128930 2023-04-23 18:32

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