🖱️ to move
❎ to click
"Go-Go Garden" is a game with only a few minutes of cute and charming gameplay each day. From day to day you can:
-Water your plants to ensure they grow the next day!
-Play with your plants (just tap them and you'll understand)...
-Buy and sell plants to save up for your perfect garden!
If you miss a day then don't worry! I'll make sure your plants don't die for you.
Behind The Scenes
The original 8 plants and game were made in three days, to see what I could do in just three days. I've wanted to make a virtual pet game for about a month now, but I was pushed over the edge by this art by @R3DZ3R_Florie on twitter:

Design/Art/Code/Sound/Music: Marina Makes (@MarinaMakes)
Inspiration: R3DZ3R @R3DZ3R_Florie

with the controller you cant go up. the plant disappears when you try to drag it making the game unplayable

@Tatery1 I'm so sorry, Up-button's actually a cheatcode I used in development to reset the garden. And I disable it right before every release. For some reason it didn't save this time! It should work perfectly now, and thank you for your patience.

no problem @marinamakes it was a very fun game! i love the water graphic for the watering can!

Cute. I love the idea of a v-pet game in pico-8. The artwork's adorable.

super cool! its fun to check in on the plants every day and see em grow a little, though i wish there was another way to get money since id rather not sell my little guys.

woah. You can see the water leaking out of the pot after u water it for too long.

@luizpf sadly not, but if I ever do an update or a deluxe edition I'll be sure to add in holiday events. Rainy days however... I'll figure out how to add them.

i think that 'use mouse' and 'use controller' should not be toggleable in the pause menu, because they can both be enabled at once.
when making this change, the controls section should tell about the d-pad controls:
> 🖱 or ⬆️⬇️⬅️➡️ to move
> ❎ to click

@very cool ¿how many is all of them?
i now got eight plants, and i'm not sure if it's really all of them:

i will have to look up the game's spritesheet when i'm at my computer

> i will have to look up the game's spritesheet when i'm at my computer
i forgot this, but today i got a plant that i didn't have before (i can't prove this yet because the sprout looks the same as the sprout of another plant that i have)

> i will have to look up the game's spritesheet when i'm at my computer
there is 8 different plants

hello this is a very cool game but i want to ask to add a hard reset button

Nice, but plant limit is too low. 10 is too many plants? Not nearly enough.
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