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Can you put mice into Jelpi?

So, I've been messing around with mice and the pico-8. Now earlier I was playing Jelpi and thought "Hmm, I Wonder if I can put touchscreen on this?" Now I Myself don't have a touchscreen! But for people who do not, CAN YOU LET THEM PLAY WITH NO CONTROLLER? I'm gonna try, but anyone of you can leave the cart here if you make it.

link to a mouse cart https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/cposts/2/22286.p8.png

EDIT: Old post, I didn't want to delete it. Sorry for all the caps and stuff.

People with a touchscreen get D-Pad buttons and a [O] and [X] button shown. Therefor, every^ game is possible on a touchscreen.

^ Touchscreen typing isn't supported though.

This is an old post I made, I decided not to delete it though, but I was thinking of some sort of drag-to-move.
(I made this long enough ago that I don't really care anymore)

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