Made this as a birthday gift for my wife.
I hope she enjoys playing it on her new retro device.
The goal is to save all the bunnies from the wolf/fox
- collecting all coins will automatically purchase & place the burrow
- collect all the keys to unlock the burrow
- direct the bunnies safely into their new home.

Interesting puzzle, @heywink. What Retro device is that ? :)
As with all level games, would be nice to have it save your level of play. This can be done via: cartdata()
and dset()
In immediate mode for Pico-8, type help cartdata
followed by ENTER for details.

Well I thought I'd cut through the red tape, skip the RG351V (as I was definitely considering getting one myself, @heywink) and instead got a joystick for my cellphone and use RetroArch.
While it works great for all other emulation and games - the arrow keys do not work for Pico-8. Zep says he's considering the option letting you remap keys when you play Online so that may fix it.
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