Instructions :
- Lead your army to the trojan horse
- Use the 4x Hades's portal to make your army jump between worlds.
- Build a path avoiding frogs and dangers
- Your army respawn is unlimited but your max size is 24
Control :
- arrow keys : control your portal
- <z> key : switch between the 4x portals


This is such a cool concept! And very pretty! The frogs are great :)
Brings me back to the days when I used to play Lemmings in DOS :)


Excellent game. It took me 1 hour to learn and beat the level. Plenty of strategy to be had here. Well done!


A quite challenging puzzle, but I really enjoyed discovering how it worked and figuring out how to solve it. Awesome game! The fall death sound got annoying after like an hour haha I had to mute it. Nice work on this, its a great idea and the design of the level was really interesting.
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