Is it just me or does anyone else feel like ocram should drop demonite or some other type of drop. I find it a little confusing that in the old gen console edition of terraria you had fight him over and over, but in terra you have fight him only once, making any rematches worthless. But I really love that Plantera is able to travel outside of the jungle making a, all bosses at once fight, possible in the game (I'm going to do that when I can).

Your save works for me, could you post the error here? (if you press CTRL+C after it crashes it should copy the error)
Yeah, Ocram isn't really worth fighting multiple times here, I would probably make re-fights useful if I had the space available.
Also you cannot currently summon all the bosses at once, because they check the currently playing music to see if they can spawn or not (which changes to the boss theme once one is summoned).
Except King Slime apparently, which unfortunately leads to this mess as his sprite overwrites Plantera's:

And allowing Plantera to spawn while King Slime is alive results in this:

I'll look into it.

I'm using notepad++ for my txt files is that maybe why its not working?

No, Notepad++ shouldn't be the issue, I use it for my saves too.
That error seems to be the same as one on the last page, can you make sure there is nothing before the three numbers at the start of the save file? Like this:

that is the full save. the way I have been doing it is pasting the save into a google doc and then downloading the doc as plain txt. maybe it has something to do with that method? is there anyway you could make the game not take files and you just paste your clipboard.
Edit: I just checked and I am only having problems with the character save. I tried a new character with an old world save and it worked just fine. but then I tried that character save with a new world and it did not work. I also did them together and it also did not work.

GBA? There isn't anything to convert a PICO-8 game to GBA. It would require someone to completely rebuild it from scratch.

Hmm, that might be an issue, not sure. But yeah, I'll look at adding a paste option to load file data

cool thx. oh btw cubee, I love this game and I truly think you've done an extraordinary job so far. I'm really stoked to follow your development with this game and your other projects. :)

To download it you can click the "Cart' button on the bottom left of the game and save the image (the image contains all of the game's code), but to play the downloaded cart you'll have to own PICO-8.
I don't believe you can remap keys for games individually, but inside PICO-8 you can use the KEYCONFIG command to change them for all games.

OK, I've managed to get enough space back to fit save file pasting in (and potentially some other things), I'll just have to playtest for a bit to make sure I haven't broken anything.

um jogo bom,mas eu achei horrivel o sistema de save,tao simples o jogo eu me sinto um primata nao conseguindo nem salvar(talvez eu seja)

First I figured out a way to paste the files, and just disabled the world generation code to test it because it went over the token limit. This part was easy as I just had to make it load the strings from the clipboard rather than the dropped file.
Then I was skimming over the code to see what I could optimise, and found out that I could replace a lot of the code in the mob spawning section with a few calls to a new function.
Overall this saved about 100 tokens, which was enough to bring it back down below the token limit.
Other than that, just in general this project has really helped me to learn how to spot places where I can save tokens.

Have you seen the video I made for how to save? If you have could you tell me what part you find difficult?
(google translate)
Já viu o vídeo que fiz de como salvar? Se tiver poderia me dizer qual parte você acha difícil?

Uh, so world files work, but player files don't at all. May be cause I am doing something wrong but I dunno, the files are fine...

@ Agent Tom
It all still seems to work fine for me, I'm using Notepad++ to make my saves.
The world files just take whatever data is there, but the player files have a specific structure, so perhaps the format you're using has extra data at the start of the file? (in this case, some of the left columns of the world would have crossed over from the right, meaning saves from more recent versions will have both Corruption and Jungle there)
I'm working on an update that will allow copy-pasting the data strings into the game, so that should provide an alternate method for you.

This was completely unintentional, but just look at how perfectly Terra's version numbers line up with Terraria's since 1.2:
Terraria: https://terraria.fandom.com/wiki/Desktop_version_history
1.2: 1.2.1 1.2.2 1.2.3 1.2.4
1.3: 1.3.1 1.3.2 1.3.3 1.3.4 1.3.5
Every (non-bugfix) version of Terra has a corresponding Terraria version.
I suppose this next version has to be 1.4.
Anyway, I have space for two more blocks/items. Any suggestions?

Alright, I'll look at adding them as saplings instead, because the placed tile needs the same sprite as the item.

I'm going to have to swap an item with it, as its current tile ID makes it take up multiple tiles in the world save file... I think the Soul of Blight is the best choice, as it only has one use currently.

I just bought PICO-8 and got into PICO-8 coding yesterday. Hopefully, I will be contributing my own games soon... but this is next level amazing. Great work. :-)

anybody need an arena the size of the world??? just learned how the world saves work so here....
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v1.4: Journey's End?
Breaking Changes:
- Any Souls of Blight in existing saves will become saplings. The Soul of Blight now uses a different item ID, as the sapling needed an ID within a specific range for it to work properly in save files when placed.
Main Changes:
- Added the ability to paste copied save file strings onto the game to load them. (should be useful for people who can't use the drag and drop for various reasons)
- Added new variants for Hornets (Honey, Leafy), Skeletons (Pantless, Headache), Demon Eyes (Cataract, Green), Zombies (Twiggy, Bald, Female), and Beetles (Cyan Beetle) via palette swapping.
- Added saplings to grow trees.
- King Slime is now only summonable in the Forest during the Day to prevent summoning him while Plantera is alive, as his sprite overwrites hers.
- Ocram now drops Demonite Bars in addition to his Soul of Blight, to make re-fights at least worth something.
- Beetle Bow now uses 5 Beetle Husks instead of 10.
- Doors now play a sound when opened or closed.
- Ocram now moves to his second phase earlier and shoots lasers less rapidly.
- Eye of Cthulhu and Ocram now stop moving while they transition to their second phases.
- King Slime now drops small portions of all three minable ores instead of just a heap of gold.
Minor annoyances in this version:
- An artifact of allowing paste to load save files means that, at least in desktop PICO-8, the clipboard needs to be cleared whenever it checks for a paste, so on the BBS the game will prompt you to "CTRL+C to complete copy" a few times on the title screen. I'll have to find a way to disable that while on the BBS, as the BBS player requires you to CTRL+V to paste regardless.

Stat counts: 8191/8192 tokens, 42028/65535 chars, 99.9% compressed size
Recipe Book update will come later.

I have tried saving on mobile, unfortunately I don't know if there's a way to copy and paste on that version.
I think I saw that zep was adding a text box to the mobile web player for that purpose, but I'm not sure what its current state is.
It might work on Android using a keyboard with dedicated copy and paste buttons? I'll have a look at it.

Im try to load it but its not working it only works for the terra world view

Not much, you could build some stuff but other than that, that's pretty much the end of the game.

bruh do i rlly need to buy pico-8 just to play this game?
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