I don't think there's much more I can do to save tokens, but I'll see what I can fit from your suggestions.
I tried adding the twins, but I don't think I'll be able to fit them in since there's 2 of them. Any other ideas for bosses to try, preferably that don't have multiple parts?
The main post should explain how to save and load in the "How to save your worlds and players" section. I haven't tested it too extensively though so saving on the web version may not work properly for some people. (particularly on mobile)

both have EoC ai
1 shoots green sparks
1 shoots red bullets
I also added a bit to my ideas post

I have reverse-engineered the player files, and am now working on an inventory editor.

WAIT, I have the best idea:
bonus idea:
list of material palettes :
--default is 15,11,5,4 (gold) (3,2,1 these stay the same)
--(- for colors that don't change)
what do you thing @cubee?

First duplication bug?
- Trash all items except for a consumable (boss summon, life crystal)
- Press (O) to pick up and put down the item a few times.
- If you see the item both in the inventory and in the picked up item slot, it worked. Congratulations, you now have infinite boss summons, but nothing to do with them except cause chaos!
Pretty useless though since you have to trash everything to make it work.
I was putting the held item into slot 0 (which doesn't exist from the inventory system's perspective) when the inventory is empty, so it's fixed for when I make the next update.
Enjoy it while it lasts!

why can't monsters be formatted as strings (name,hp, damage, defence, drop(s),ai type)

@cubee @Jerry_Boy predicted the twins lol.. Second of all I was gonna say eater of worlds but that has a lot of parts... I think a good boss would be plantera probably...

having mouse support could be cool, as i can't hold up/down, z, and x at the same time (either a possible pico-8 quirk, or my laptop sucks), meaning i have to build up to mine more then 1 block upwards. you could also make the mouse obey the 1 block range aswell (sorry if this is confusing)

so glad you liked my idea, I think that enemies could also have tokens saved
format idea (string)
name,hp, damage, defence, drop(s),ai type (,sprite,palette)
this would mean that you do not have to call the enemy variable but instead just check the needed data.
ai types could also be combined like EoC + shooting = twins

I forgot to change the version number when I last updated it so nothing has changed yet.
When I said that I meant the enemy strings, that was really good for saving tokens.
Anyway I think I've managed to get Plantera in, that should be a nice change away from EoC's AI that both EoC and the secret boss use.

in the gif, the enemies are still separate items in an object

my idea is to do:
example list of enemies (stats copied from terra code)
mobs =
gslime,14,6,0,59:1,slime,164,(pal changes?);
bat,15,13,2,bat,150,(pal changes?)
jbat,30,20,4,bat,150,(pal changes)}
name,hp, damage, defence, drop(s),ai type (,sprite,palette)

The main issue with combining them all into a single string is that then enemies would have to be indexed by number, rather than names, which would make the code a lot less readable.
If there's a way to preserve the names as keys (something like "key=v:n,v:n" to key="v:n,v:n") without using more tokens, I'll try, I just don't want to obfuscate the variable names at this point.

good point.
what about the item syntax, what do you think?

It will take a bit of a refactor, but I'll look into it to see if it could help.

cool, it would allow for more items to be added more easily. also https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?tid=43558 can be used as part of the item syntax instead of [SPRITE:Palette changes], you could just have the sprite string be part of the item syntax

two suggestions: craftable chests. because... why not? and also if possible, randomly generated chests from caves. but i don't think the game have enough token space for that, so...
and lastly: buff ocram a little bit. he is a little easy to my taste, but i think i can go with it

Yeah I'm not going to add chests for a few reasons, mainly concerns about tokens, save file size and the UI layout on top of the lack of an interact button.
How do you think Ocram should be buffed?
- Health?
- Damage?
- Movement speed?
- Add projectiles maybe?
- ... All of the above?
2 things about using espr() for the items: calling sset() for the amount of items per frame this game needs to render is probably going to destroy performance (primary issue), and it trades sprite space for compressed size (also a concern now after adding Plantera).
I do however already have my own similar function that takes significantly less tokens (with less functionality) which I use for the Terra logo and part of Plantera's sprite:
Also, I've attempted to change the item strings, but unless I'm going about it the wrong way it doesn't look like it will save tokens at all.
Items are in fact only stored in one list as it is: the TOOLSTAT list.
The second list (TILENAMES) stores the sprite names which are accessed from both the inventory and recipe systems, with the inventory being the only one with access to TOOLSTAT so merging TILENAMES with TOOLSTAT breaks all but the inventory. This is purely used to display the selected item's name on the inventory screen.
I think it would be great to make the items use a more flexible format like that, I just don't know how it will save any tokens. (I'm right up at 8192/8192 with 99.98% compressed size as of writing this)

K, I will try to figure out how to do it then show you
I see what you mean about the item names, that makes sense
what if blocks used:
usetime: 1=light source, 2=semisolid, 3=door,???
value: light[brightness], ???

@cubee i was thinking in all of the above, but maybe if you just increase the minions spawnrate i think it would be good too
idk if he was supposed to be the final boss of the game, but
if not, i don't think he needs to be significantly harder

I saved more tokens, so I decided to test out mouse controls.
Current layout:
- P2 Left-Right: Move
- P2 Up: Jump
- Left mouse: Attack
Inventory has the regular controls (P1 arrows, z/x/c/v, enter)

Breaking blocks (Tile breaking range is only limited by the screen size)
(Yes, that statue on the left side is Jelpi)
Ranged weapon aiming
Opinions on mouse controls? Or should I add some other feature instead? (I have 80 tokens to work with)

@cubee perhaps also use the scroll wheel for switching items both in and out of the inventory, maybe also pressing it to get in and out the inventory (if you somehow have enough tokens)

I think more content is more important than mouse controls

@Sup3rAw3som3Gam3r remember, quality over quantity. and also, i think mouse controls would be awesome, but i mean, i think the controls are good already, and it would be a problem to some people that play terra in smartphones if this wans't optional.

I understand, however, I think the quality is high enough that quantity is what I want to see

After some more playtesting, I definitely need to make Plantera more difficult, so most (if not all) of those tokens will go towards that for now.

how will you get 2 muskets (for dog gun and minishark)

what if the twins were seperate bosses
(weird green eye summon)(weird red eye summon)

Night bosses being summoned during the day will be fixed next update. They should also leave when it becomes day as was intended but I had accidentally left it disabled in the released version.
Here's Retinazer's sprite. What are you planning to do with it?
![]() |
[24x32] |
(He's just the Eye of Cthulhu with a different pupil sprite and the laser cannon)

@cubee sorry for the... ping? But I was wondering if another update came out since it says 1.3, I usually wait for it to be posted here before playing it.

No, there wasn't an update. I had just forgotten to change the version number in the title when I released the 1.3 update.
I do plan on releasing one soon though, to add Plantera and fix a few bugs.
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