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Birds + guns.
It doesn't get better than that.


This is by far the most impressive Pico-8 cart I've ever played. Just incredible everything


I never knew what I was missing. Very good job to all the devs who helped.


This game is slick as heck. Love the pun-heavy intro/instructions btw. Looks like someone had fun with that.


My favorite game


Was so excited getting past the last cart, but running outta ammo on the boss fight, with all of my resources not being enough to kill him, was so disappointing.

@CrownDeluxe aw, that sucks! Definitely something we should've considered. Hope you had fun at least!


Yeah, it was a blast! Thanks for the really cool, well designed cart!


This was a blast; thanks for sharing!


The only thing I wish this game would have is a zebra finch and a canary bird. It would be like looking into my birds dreams.

birds with guns birds with guns
easy does it easy does it

my mouse needs to go into turbo or else these waddle dee looking bois are gonna kill me also: WHY DOES THE DUCK HAVE A FLAMETHROWER

@Gabe_8_bit fellow aroace? i am asking because kirbo is holdin the aroace flag

@WoopyBoiii yup, always good to see a fellow aroace

@Gabe_8_bit yes and also how do you get that little pfp? I'm guessing you take a screenshot of a sprite right?

@Gabe_8_bit can you make a wooper version of your pfp? I can't draw it.

Edit: Nvm I got it

Add the american robin for all my homies in connecticut.

Day 1 of posting american robin picture until it is added.


1 comentario brasileiro

The machine gun looks like the Thompson sub-machine gun.

Why does the Penguin start with 2 out of 15 health?


@Hell_Cat There's a pretty funny story about why: during development we experimented with having different stats for different birds, but ended up scrapping the idea by commenting out the responsible code. Fast forward like a year or so, and zep released an update to PICO-8 making changes to multi-line comments, accidentally breaking this game. So he volunteers to fix the game but by doing so he accidentally uncommented our previously commented out code, and that's why penguin starts with 2/15 health, the idea was that some birds were harder (in the case of penguin he has high max HP but you have to earn it)

This is the best of games.

so hard

good job , this is the best game in pico-8 , 5 stars for you

Hard, but freaking good

I've got a request, You could add another bird, probably with five health, the raven.
My idea for the raven since it is a scavenger you heal on every other kill.

Great game, I play it nearly every day.

are you sure you didn't use the secret palette?

@yeeyer I did! Iirc it's the dark blue for the floor.

never give a bird a gun it will kill everyone on the train.


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