@inphanta Hey, thanks so much!
A few things:
- The mobile version's control scheme sounds like it's better suited to your tastes - you press one action button to jump, and hit left/right while holding the other action button to rotate.
- Yes, there is definitely some more you haven't found, although admittedly the puzzles involved might not be very well-suited to YouTube content (they're very paper and pencil-oriented). There's a special door you didn't seem to notice in the artifact chamber.
- The constellation room can actually be completed without using any information from other screens.

Amazing little game.
Thx for making!
This was a real nod to Fez and it definitely gave me a bit of trouble.

i beat the game but i still cant make out zip of the secret language.

Ok, from what you've said so far you've deduced:
Now, there are some quirks with the language.
Hope that helps!

Hoo boy. And I thought 3D was difficult. This is a nightmare - at least to me. Seems like everyone else picked it up quite rapidly and is having a ball. Well that's good then.
But it's very tricky to get my bearings in here. Reminds me strongly of BRANDISH.
In Brandish, every time you turn left or right the whole screen literally turns 90 degrees.

Well, different things click differently for different people. FUZ is technically 3D, it's just played from 4 specific camera angles. I consider FUZ's system quite faithful to that of FEZ, its basis, given the limitations of PICO-8.
Brandish seems agonizing to watch due to the lack of a rotation effect, geez. I find it quite tricky to track and process that game's rotations visually, especially with how far the player's screen position tends to jump around.

Watching the video, @Jusiv. Yep, that would still be hard for me to understand. There was another game for the NES that did this too. Tower of ... Castelian !
I had great trouble playing this too. So it's not your game, it's the way my brain works or the lack thereof. Just can't wrap my head around 3D or related.
I remember playing Dark Cloud for the PS2 and not figuring out how to exit the first dungeon room until hours later. For some reason I didn't even see the topview of the map until Chris pointed it out to me. I can be blind like that. :)
When I write 3D stuff if you check you'll see it's not at all. I just change the speed and brightness of images until they "look" 3D. Same with my snow and star routines. I never use a Z coordinate with X & Y as I really don't understand how it works.
This limitation does make me strong and knowledgeable about programming 2D code though and in playing games that are. Because of this my greatest strength is in writing 2D databases from the ground up for businesses and places I've worked.

yo i just decoded a language to get a pink end screen instead of a black one
worth it lmao

@Noobie I'm assuming you're referring to the one in the room with the grid in the sky? Because the last cube bit there can't be jumped to. You'll have to delve into more of the puzzle aspects of the game to reach it.
Hint: That room provides you with everything you need to reach it.

is there a way to get 5 cubes? i got the ending where you have 3 anti cubes, 1 regular cube, a fez hat, and that artifact thing. and i see that somebody got the same ending however i saw that there were hearts around them. is there something i need to find to unlock the ending with the hearts? because i didnt see any hearts in my ending

@Andrew You are correct in assuming you missed something, but it's very much an extra easter egg. It's so hidden you need to actually own PICO-8 to find it.

@darrionxw It is impossible to jump to it normally, you are correct. There is a way to reach it but you'll have to think in a much more puzzle-y way.

I read that you need pico-8 to solve the heart puzzle, so I cheated and found the solution in the source code. I loved solving the rest of the puzzles, though!

@Scrubz Glad you enjoyed it! And I mean hey, it's not the puzzle I intended but if you're willing to dig through the source code to track that down from scratch I'd say that's a worthy achievement in its own right :P

I've just given a quick look but holy what, how did you manage to do that? Gladly it is made with PICO-8, it will be a pleasure to study this!

Ok, I've played through the game, it's so well made! I've played Fez years ago, and this game is just like it for what I can remember. You managed to create the 3D effect while rotating quite well, I was totally tricked by it, and, even though is a small game, it is like a little fez adventure.
I've also read this: http://www.jusiv.me/blog/fuz-reflections/
Such a nice read! Thank you for explaining in details all the process, it was also a pleasure to read with lot of gifs.
And just so you know, I think the music are pretty cool and I will use this as a reference because I like this style!

How do I do the puzzle, I know the hint, but I don't get it lol

@ Agent Tom
There's a certain sequence of actions you'll need to perform, and there are two important things in the environment that together tell you what that is.

I need help trying to get all of the bits because I have only 7 of them and I can’t figure out the puzzle with the constellations.

Ye! I did it! And I only watched, like, a little bit of a walk-through.
That Anti Cube option in the pause menu is messed up. This is Nintendo level secrets right now.
(You don't need Pico 8 to get the heart ending!)

@Jerry_Boy Congrats!
Also, please hide puzzle spoilers with hidden tags! You can edit your message to put the tags around it like this:
[hidden]This text will be hidden.[/hidden] |

@Jerry_Boy Thanks for editing it! But sorry, I should have been more clear: while it's good to hide the ending screen, the Anti-Cube comment was more what I was referring to, since

Absolutely amazing stuff! Was a joy to decode all the puzzles.

I am a big fan of the original game FEZ. The demake is really awesome. Love it!

Saw the og one,Requires you to use the new 3d feature turning the world. This is a great demake!

Why when i try going through the warpgate it just shows this

And it stays like that

@clouddown i may be 3 years too late but "run" is the command you use in the pico-8 command line to start the currently loaded cartridge

polytron still exists! how when there not even making games anymore?
I think :I

So I jumped back into this game and beat it again. But I didn't realize until... hold on. This is a major spoiler, so I'm gonna put it all in a hidden tag.
I know it's a bit late, but any help would be appreciated.

Okay, as it has been a while, I'm going to spoil the game for those who are just discovering this and are lost. But as mentioned before, I haven't 100%ed the game, so maybe someone else can finish this guide.
I'm going to try to spoil things in stages, though, so you can continue to find stuff on your own if you just need a little help.
SPOILER 1: I can't get the piece on the star room.
No, sorry, I still don't get it.
Seriously, just spell it out for me.
SPOILER 2: What's with the flashing tuning fork pillar thing?
Seriously, just spell it out for me.
SPOILER 3: The secret of the code...
No, sorry, I still don't get it.
Ok, I get that one, but I'm struggling with the rest.
...Which is?
...Which is?
SPOILER 3: The last...
No, sorry, I still don't get it.
Seriously, just spell it out for me.
Hey, the game crashed
That's it?
I hope this helps!

Okay, I am officially obsessed. I'm going to end this with a plea from help from everyone who's found the answer.
I think I"m on the right track. Hopefully someone can give me what I'm missing.
Help me
and of course @Jusiv
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