First completion on medium difficulty. I hadn't previously, but then I got good.

@choo-t It is indeed a remnant of that room, I just made the invisible walls solid. 😅 You can get in there, it's just a bit tricky to find out how to get through.

Finally beaten the game on hard difficulty, that was absolutely epik. Now where’s my second place on the leader board >:) I’m workin on a weapon tier list, should finish it today or the next day.
Also I would love some complex / partially untold lore in the next game, since I LOVE to theorize :p

Here is my totally reasonable and true weapon tier list that I made up over the months/weeks of playing this game.
So going from the bottom to top we got the spear in the U tier, because it’s absolutely GABADGE. You can’t hit anything with it cause it’s too thin to be hitting stuff, it’s weak as hell too, and it has low meter gain, which ties into LITERALLY EVERY OTHER MECHANIC IN THE GODDAMN GAME, so yeah, U tier. Next we’ve got the knife in the B tier. Knife IS generally awesome for good meter gain, and as we all know more meter = more damage and I think on the 3rd form the knife does standard sword damage, so it’s pretty good if you learn how to ACTUALLY HIT THINGS WITH IT. Jokes aside i had a couple winning runs with the knife, so it’s viable. Next up we got the hammer in the O tier. Hammer is generally a pretty good weapon, it has decent damage and large hitstun makes it powerful on hands of a good player, nothin else to add here. Next we’ve got the sword in A tier. Honestly, you’ve been expecting it, it’s standard, it’s balanced, it’s awesome, nothin else to add.
So… the one weapon that is generally your best pick if you’re going for a score run… The Axe in S tier. Axe IS the alpha weapon, no jokes here. It has by far the HIGHEST base damage stat in the ENTIRE weapon roster. It can twice shot a normal enemy on crystal 2 with 2 heavy attacks. Pairing this weapon with meter gain upgrades, and we’ve got something absolutely ungodly here, making it just the absolute powerhouse of a weapon. If anyone has something to add or wants to challenge a weapon’s position on the tier list, feel free to @ me here.

omg I JUST realized you’re that dude who made the funny pokemon game I played a long time ago. I’m A HUGE fan of your work, like, that pokemon stuff totally made some of my days

Eyyy nice congrats on the score! And you can bet I'll have more complex and vague lore, the next game will be a metroidvania, so that'll make it much easier to convey that kind of experience.
Nice tier list, it's a good representation of the current balance. I'll probably tune up the weapons accordingly, especially Axe and Spear. Axe in particular is hard to balance because I feel it needs high damage, but it also has insanely good animations.
...maybe I'll make it so that when you switch weapons mid-battle, it keeps the old animations, but gains the hitbox and stats of the new weapon?
And I'm glad to hear you enjoyed that as well! I actually wanted to make a sequel for Little Eidolons for my second game, but my friends were all 'nobody cares about strategy games, make an action game!' and based on how much more this game blew up, they were right ahahaha. 😅

Well, it’s all just different markets, both can succeed in the long run

I love this game! Some ideas for balancing: Make Spear a little easier to hit with the light attacks. I main Spear and I have to use Aerial Heavy attacks to deal any damage. Also please please Nerf Axe. Maybe a hitstun and range decrease? Anyway I literally think that you could make this into a full game. I would certainly play it!

Great game, But I find myself skipping enemy rooms because they are harder than the boss itself!

@Squishy178 how the fuck do you even main spear. Have you even beaten the game like that even once?????? I don’t think the axe needs nerfing though, lower hit stun combined with low attack speed is a receipt for disaster, its range is fine, soo yeah it’s pretty alright. Though the spear does need buffing, it’s certainly absolute dog water. Oh also what your highest combo with the spear? Buuut tbh I don’t think if you have like, even a hundred hours in the game, which I have, you shouldn’t really be tellin the dev on how to balance things, you just tell em your feedback and the dev decides on what to do with it.

@randomgoober I Have beaten the game with it actually!
I agree that it is absolute garbage But I find its range to be real useful.
About the Balancing, I was just giving feedback broski.
It was Just how I saw things and I did not hear you disagree with the ideas for balancing so maybe I do know a bit. Also you also Released a tier list with Axe in S tier, but then go off on me for saying it is Overpowered?
I do not play spear because I think it is good, I play spear because I find it enjoyable.
I have not yet approached the 100 hours Goal, but I wish for you to still treat me kindly :)

@Squishy178 I didn’t mean to come off as rude, I was just sharing my thoughts on balancing, and after all, I didn’t say you suck because you use spear, I was genuinely tryna know why and how
Plus, of course the axe is in the S tier if you’re trying to go for most score and/or speedrun. Knife can be a better choice for speed running, but you’ve gotta have ungodly skills for it and pick up alotta damage upgrades.
And honestly, it’s not even about hours, really, it’s about how much you know about the game, and spending more time in it helps understand it more, and if you caught onto the mechanics early on, that’s fine by me.

I've finished it two times now, the secong one I've recorded, but the first one I didn't. I had more points bocause I did not take ane poweups, Its not necesary

@randomgoober, Ive seen your weapon tierlist, I like it very much, but I personally prefer the hammer, it's way easier to use than the sword an axe, end It's got enough damage and power up. About the knife and spear, well...

@Arrito okay, wow… 16980 points… I’m clearly missing something here… I thought 15k was barely even possible, but this is just beyond me. Thanks for appreciating my tier list, though, I’ve beaten the game at least once with every weapon (well, ATTEMPTED to with some…), so I believe this is quite accurate. I’d like to know how you did that, so if you’d like, I’m all ears for how you even managed to do this.

@randomgoober, it's just practice, I have just centered my runs in extreme mode with just one type of weapon, with enough runs you get the hang of it, I have actually never finished it in any other mode, if you get used to, for example, the easy mode, its harder to do the others. Once you can finish it its just about getting a round with a lot of kills and without hits nor powerups, and thats all.

@randomgoober that's true, its just about the player, every different one has a different strategy, I don't do that because I prefer doing it until I am capable of finishing it rather than getting better with time. Maybe that stratagy works better for you.

@randomgoober I don't delete my browser history. That's not the problem. It's been happening for a while.

@Hell_Cat I'm sorry to hear that you're still getting this issue. It's likely something with your browser cookies? I'd recommend either downloading the game from https://smartalloc.itch.io/oblivion-eve, or playing it on said site to see if that works better for you.
@randomgoober Higher difficulties also make more enemies spawn! I'm considering making it affect more stuff as well, but that might be too much lol.
I'm pretty sure the maximum possible score should be north of 25,000~.

@SmartAlloc, first of all, thank you very much for making such an amacing game, also, I've seen you've added a best time list in the description, so these are my best times yet:

@Arrito Wow, congrats! Updated accordingly. Man, when I was originally making this game and weighting scores, I didn't think it was possible to beat the game in under 10 minutes lol. You guys sure proved me wrong!

(hopefully you can see the image)
Anywho I beat Extreme mode, rather quickly too. Took a while since I kept kicking the bucket to the nans that is the little guys especially the ones that shoot seeking bullets that are bigger than most projectiles and the spread ones are also annoying and the exploding ones are also kinda annoying since they shake the screen and sometimes there's two idiots that can do it. Mix all of those and it's practically and impossible room if you don't go ham.
Used the ax at first since it did enough damage and I could afford to wait to attack since you have some health to rely one. But once I started playing extreme mode I switched to the sword because it's faster and it still has good range especially the airially heavy attacks.
The boss (for me at least) feels like a breather from the madness that is the little walking nukes. The attacks feel fair except for the fast spinning knife one. The only way to do so is to wait for it to spin overhead and then immediately wall jump to the left. I head to do that in extreme mode which is probably the last time I'll have to.
Other than that. I really like this game. The chaos from the little guys gives me Doom vibes. Especially because of the projectiles. The lore is very interesting. Also a lore reason as to why the character just waves around weapons is kinda funny to me. The only thing I wish is that there was another difficulty for the rainbow form. Like impossible and getting hit kills you instantly. I'm willing to put in the effort fo that.
But that's just me. Thanks for making this. A great time waster even thouhg it only took me two days to beat all difficulties :P

This game is great!
Quick question, is the guy that talks to you in the tutorial the former god of war, or is it the god of death?

@I_Like_Nanners You highlighted a lot of the feelings I had about the difficulty in general as well. Namely how encounters are too hard, and boss fights are too easy. I've tuned it up accordingly, thanks for the feedback. Added an even harder difficulty too, cuz that was a fun idea!
@Bookwyrm That's the former god of war, all right!

Question: Does the percentage based buffs multiply the current stat, or does it multiply the base stat? (Is it a geometrical function?)

I have made some art for the game. Perhaps you should make this a full game on steam (Take the celeste route). This would be Epic and I would buy it

I've Been playing since earlier and reached the end in medium mode almost non-stop. This is probably some of the great games I've played in P8.
I finished the game in the standalone PC ver., but just for fun, I tried this gane on mobile... Not gonna lie, you ain't kidding when you said that in the intro lol. At least it's doable.

Either way, congrats for the release!

@Squishy178 Wow your art looks fantastic! Thanks for drawing that up! I've certainly got ideas on how to iterate upon the gameplay to make either a remake or a sequel - we'll have to see if it comes to fruition one day!
And thanks @XGRDN ,glad you're enjoying it!

This game is mildly addicting lol. I've been trying oblivion mode since the most recent update, and I've finally beat it

Beat my previous record. Not sure how far beyond the 20k threshold you can go, I think the only thing to significantly improve is my enemies defeated, is there a max amount of points you can get?

Congrats, @Myth! Yeah, you've got all the bonuses there, the only real improvement is defeating more enemies and as fast as possible. No score cap, it's all just about optimization from here out!

I haven't played fo some time, love the new update, it's been hard to get used to it, also, maybe give more importance to time? It's not easy to have a good time, and then see it's whorth 10 points XD, this is my high score:

I beat extreme using spear only and it was full of pain. time to beat spear oblivion! I sure am gonna have a GREAT time! :)

This game is too good, you should really go the celeste route, and this game is better than celeste (in my opinion). You should add, in this version, a final boss attack where he spawns like 2 enemies and you can't attack the "diamond" until you kill them.

Really fun game. Action packed and short and sweet.
@Sidus_Abeicito, I don't know if this is something that you can address, but when playing this through the native Pico-8 wrapper on the Miyoo Mini Plus, the green border around the play area flickers constantly. That may just be a comparability issue with the wrapper, but I figured I'd bring it to your attention.

Managed my first Oblivion difficulty run, though now that I've seen other people's scores, it doesn't seem as impressive. Oh well!
Axe weapon analysis

After thinking about the Axe in my previous post, I decided to try to get some more data on each of the weapons and came up with this:
Weapon attack analysis

The new Oblivion mode is insane and I love it!
Especially the part where you don't get one-shot if you manage to find
a "when hit reduce damage by 8%" perk!
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