you don't and my king @griffmanhe2nd
because every person commenting on the first page says that and the page king NO and the KING of the page their beast (I'm not being thick) @gameguy123 @griffmanhe2nd

hey people who does the mod to boot in fnf-pico8 you did not put the configuration of comfigures the keyboard for the arrow boot because it would be very good to put this configuration for the proplayer

@paulo_gamer, are you asking for the implementation of options > controls from FNF in PNP? If so, I think that is a good idea.

and the best part was that you did not have a stroke while typing

an hd mod in pnp is quite dumb imo, cuz the point is its supposed to be DEmade not hd demade, it makes no sense and just sounds wrong @paulo_gamer

now as i was saying...since the sprite i made for the vegan teacher so far just looks like a monkey ugly amogus nose, i need someones help (i will give credits)

idea:could put the menu screen when you click enter to be able to choose "Story mode" and "freplay" and "option" to look like the real FNF @evman2k

more idea: it would be nice to tap ghost because if you wanted to spamar the keyboard would be good for you does not miss the arrows @evman2k

more idea:could put all the mod in a mod for you want to play some mod just enters this mod projector name: universe of mods (can be that name?) @evman2k @gameguy123

waa waa waa waa waa whowantsamffin waa wawaaa wawawa...
ahhhimamoffin anditsmuffintime whowantsmuffin plsijustwannadie
heysomebodykillme plsitsmuffintime haveyouhadamuffin today
wawa diediedie aplese iwanna diediedie diediedie itsmuffintime
diediedie aplese iwaa diediedie diediedie itsmuffintime
cuzz iwaa diediedie aplese iwanna diediedie diediedie itsmuffintime
cuzz iwanna diediedie diepotatodie ibakedyoupie ohboy
whatflavor piepiepie dadimhungryhihungry imdad whydidyounameme thisway why why why
imgonnsdoaninternet imgonnadoabook yourlevingme imetarealman
heybudy look overhere hahaha now youreblind youregonadie wereallgonnadie
oohabutterfly wereallgona diediedie diediedie piepiepie itsmuffintime cuzz awann diediedie whywhywhy iwann diediedie oohabutterfly diediedieee hihihi itsmuffintime cuzz iwanna diediedie

I am the king of this page NOW You and the king or si are not so I am the king of this page
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