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Cart #14860 | 2015-10-02 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

How to play

Go forward in right direction.
Seek a hollow as refuge not to be crushed.
[Z][X]: start/retry game

Release notes

0.61 (Oct 2, 2015)

  • Draw background and so on.

0.50 (Sep 28, 2015)

  • Tune logic of generation of cave.
  • Play music.

0.30 (Sep 24, 2015)

  • Initial Release.

(Older versions)

Cart #14707 | 2015-09-28 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Cart #14547 | 2015-09-24 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License


All Comments

One of the funniest game I havez played on pico8!
Would love to see my ghost :z)

180 is my highscore atm .

Awesome game!!! Really fun! 459!

Reminds me of those bowser's castle levels.
Could mix it up with some other elements, but really enjoyable little game, could be a great little mobile endless runner type game.

Fun game, well done! The crushing sound is really neat.

I think you should lose point when you are standing still for too long -- otherwise it's easy to make small hops to the next visible hole without risking anyhting.

Cool little game. My best is 370. As for the music, ask Pizza, he makes good P8 tunes.

This is great! 541.

I like how as it gets harder the top of the screen disappears most of the time, so you have to react quickly to what appears above, and the bottom can be misleading.

@briac I guess eventually there would only be one hiding place per screen, so small safe jumps wouldn't be an option?

@lachlancooper Since you're doing far more better than me (260), you are probably right :)

Graphics-wise, how about making it so it is some monster's teeth that tries to eat you and you must try to broken teeth in order to not get eaten?

I can't stop playing ! 432 atm

Yeah, it really is addicting, isn't it? I bet that if @OBONO would release this for smartphones he'd get more money than flappy bird's creator did.


Thank you for your playing and comments, everyone.
I'm composing music and tuning program for version 0.50.

It seems that score board is planned. I wish to use it.

BTW, my best is over 800.

Pretty simple game, but simple doesn't mean easy.
I got 511 at the time of posting.


Cart #14669 | 2015-09-27 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

This is a quick experiment done on your game.
Not to sure of the result.

But it was a good excuse to go through your code.

Thanks for this amazing little game.

@OBONO nice work! great game. 387 my best after a few goes.

@briac love the new avatar - is there a story behind it?

@arnaud_debock not being able to go back is too difficult.

@matt that was my idea ;)


I released version 0.50.
It's almost same as 0.30, except playing music.

Really love the music!

(^ u ^ )b

Really nice! The music really seems to fit the game well, and makes it much more fun. my highscore was 488


I released version 0.61.
It's completely same as 0.50, except background.
I think this is final release of this game.

Love background!

Congrats on being featured again. I feel like after 250 the spread starts getting ridiculous. I'm up to 400, but not really motivated to keep trying at this point.

@OBONO I found a font inside the sprite sheet, Was there supposed to be better text in there?

Made it to 77 by holding right without pause


Love how straightforward and hilarious this is!

Got a high score of 371, @OBONO. It gets tricky because the floor vanishes in higher levels, is that intentional ?

Great game, gold star.

255 first try

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