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In the second part of my blog (first part here), I show off my process designing and assembling a custom PCB that is able to run a simple PICO-8 demo! You can read it here (medium link)

If you like what you are seeing you can join the waitlist (https://pex-labs.com/) and hop on our discord (https://discord.gg/KzFn8Vb4qw) to stay updated on development!

P#149752 2024-06-10 14:10 ( Edited 2024-06-10 14:14)

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blog post for early development process: https://medium.com/@getpexlabs/pex-labs-building-my-own-game-console-for-pico-8-48a87d7cd404

Hey all! I'm working on a handheld console for PICO-8 with support for physical cartridges! If you like what you are seeing you can join the waitlist (https://pex-labs.com/) and hop on our discord (https://discord.gg/KzFn8Vb4qw) to stay updated on development!

  • pinosaur
P#149313 2024-06-01 22:12