Like the 99 bomb Spelunky Deathmatch I used to play, for 1 or 2 players.
This is my first real Pico-8 project (after a failed attempt at Pinball). I'm happy with how it's turned out. The AI isn't perfect, but can provide a really decent challenge. It may be improved in the future.
O is bomb, Down is pick up, O while holding is shoot, X is jump.
1.0 2021-09-11
- Added a number of new maps
- Added title screen music
- Added item Whip
- Added terrain Ladder
- Pick up by 'down' instead of 'down + O'
- Fix bug launcher missile hits if player moving
- Fixes to lazgun hit
- AI fixes including detecting freefall, preventing throwing teddy away,
0.2 2021-09-09
- Added baseball bat
- Fixed multiple times getting hit
- AI will pick up item if running past