An adventure game set in a not-so-distant future where Earth's pollution has reached critical levels and monsters are seen all over populated areas. You play as one of these monsters!
Programming by Infini
Sprites and level design by Alela the Dragon
Concept by Infini and Alela the Dragon
Writing by Infini
You can view and commission Alela's art at

I think the game is in a good place to publish it as a WIP and get some feedback. My code is most likely very naive and inefficient, constructive criticism is welcome.
-Dialogue should not be accidentally skipped anymore
-More lenient hitboxes
-Phase 4
-Postgame dialogue, but transition from game to dialogue is a bit jarring and can be accidentally skipped. I'll make it smoother eventually.
-Changed some patterns, notably phase 1 which was too easy
-Added phase 3
-Swapped shooting and focusing buttons. It's more natural to shoot with X.
-Sound effects are now working as intended.
-Minor stuff was changed around.

Maybe this is me being stupid, but no matter how I look at it I feel like my code should be working.
Button presses are working in the title screen and dialogue sections, but for some reason it stops working in the main gameplay. The code looks sound to me and everything else behaves as it should, debugging has shown me that the functions are indeed being called. But inputs just don't work. Here is where the offending code could be:
function init_battle() t=0 --keeps track of time for bullet timing pl_shot ={} boss_shot={} actor={} player = { x=60, y=100, life=3, speed=2, focus=0, life =3, box ={ xa=0, xb=2, ya=0, yb=2 } } boss = { x=60, y= 40, life=100, spell=1, box = { xa=0, xb=3, ya=0, yb=3 } } music(22) _update=update_battle() _draw=draw_battle() end function update_battle() player_movement() end function player_movement() if (btn(0))then player.x-=player.speed end if (btn(1)) then player.x+=player.speed end if (btn(2)) then player.y-=player.speed end if (btn(3)) then player.y+=player.speed end end function draw_battle() cls() map(0,0) spr(1,player.x,player.y) draw_hud() end function draw_hud() spr(14,100,0) for i =108,124,8 do spr(15,i,0) end for i = 8,112,8 do spr(30,100,i) end spr(25,100,120) rectfill(108,8,128,125,13) end |