Shmup in early WIP. O shoots up. X shoots down. Held and tapped shots behave differently. Don't get hit in the gold ball. Happy pew pew!
The Lowdown
This is a casual game jam game and my project for the LAZY DEVS PICO 8 SHMUP JAM being run on the Shmup Junkies Discord. It's gonna to be slow going as I don't have a ton of dev time to dedicate, but we're having a good time.
This release is titled:
You can do it, Inako! Wait, what's "honest dodging"?
In it, core movement and attacking is implemented and two stationary enemies are firing an early implementation of a bullet pattern. The "Jack" enemies are intended to be mid-tier grunts in the finished title, but the Nightmare King has temporarily buffed them up to proper mid-bosses for this release. Enjoy your brief moment of fame, Jack. Try to take them out while suffering as few hits as possible!