(Note: I already pushed it a few days ago, but I deleted it by accident^^)
Just programmed a simple "Menu Manager" and I thought, it can be useful for others. :)
It presents a way to write your own Menu, moving a cursor with Arrow-Keys (Up/Down), select an Entry (X) and call a Function.
The Sourcecode is well documented.
menu={} function menu.update() --Copy from Cartridge function menu.draw() --Copy from Cartridge function _update() menu.update() end function _draw() menu.draw() end function entry_one() cls() print("entry one selected!") end function entry_two() cls() print("entry two selected!") end function entry_x() cls() print("entry x selected!") end cls() menu.entries = { "text entry one", entry_one, "text entry two", entry_two, "text entry x", entry_x} cursor(26,40) menu.start() |
New in this Version
- Every Level replaced. Should be much more balanced now.
- Some Bugfixes.
What's missing until V1.0?
- Background-Graphics.
- Music!
- Final Level.
- More "Eye-Candy" (more Animations)
- Some sort of Intro and Outro
- Better Mainmenu (Eye-Candy)
Hello there,
Just presenting my other game here^^. "Spikes and Jumps" is a Platformer. Your Goal: Reach the end of every level and avoid everything that hurts.
It's some kind of a Standard-0-8-15-Jump'n Run. The Player doesn't have any special abilities, he can only walk and jump. You have infinite Lives, and you're walking from the left to the right^^.