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I play the original Swarm Racer. Not very well, mind you.

Eventually, I shall post here much more information I have documented on how to make maps --- a.k.a. spacefields --- for the classic Swarm Racer.

First, you'll need a palette of swatches for your image editor. Here is one for GIMP; I also have one for Photoshop, but that one isn't text.

GIMP Palette
Name: Swarm Racer ed-2-11 spacefield
Columns: 1
  0   0   0	empty
255 255 255	bee
255   0 255	nectar gem
 61  85 137	lighter obstacle
 25  41  95	darker obstacle
255 129   0	intermittent obstacle 1
255   0   0	intermittent obstacle 2
  0 255   0	elastic obstacle
255 255   0	sticky
194 194 194	push to bottom
158 158 158	push to top
123 123 123	push to right
 88  88  88	push to left

Targa data are unusable for a spacefield if other than
32 bits per pixel

no RLE compression

Spacefield size is [160,121]. The bottom row is first excluded and used for the trophies: [160,120]. Second, the edges are always rimmed by the light obstacle tile inside that limit: therefore, the playable field is always [158,118].

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