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Cart #terrain_generation_no_noise-1 | 2020-10-01 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

After many months of trying and failing to understand how to implement noise (Perlin or otherwise), I decided to simply try to write terrain generation for myself. Using the basics of noise, I began with a completely random map of numbers which I then iterate through. Each individual number takes the average of those around it. Repeating this a few times gives a relatively terrain-like map. I then simply changed numbers into number 1-16 so they would match Pico's color scheme and assigned certain numbers colors to make it look like mountains and grass.

The main function giving the rounded feel is named Noise(). The second value is roughly equivalent to octaves in Perlin noise (I named it "times"). By increasing or decreasing the number, you end up with a less or more noisy image.

P#82493 2020-10-01 15:41