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I've found luacheck useful when writing lua. It is very much like JSHint for JavaScript and other static analysis tools in general. Luacheck finds usage of undefined global variables, unused variables and values, accessing uninitialized variables, unreachable code, etc.

Here is a Gist of my pico-8 .luacheckrc, I keep it in the parent directory of my pico-8 files. I also use p8tool so I can work on lua files directly.

std = {
  -- these globals can be set and accessed.
  globals = { "_init", "_draw", "_update", "_update60" },

  -- these globals can only be accessed.
  read_globals = {
        `-- from ${location.href} ${(new Date()).toISOString()}\n` +
          .map(a => a.tagName == 'A' ?
            `'${a.innerText.replace(/\(.*/g,'')}', -- ${a.innerText.trim()}` :
            `\n-- ${a.innerText.trim()}`).join('\n'))

    -- from http://pico-8.wikia.com/wiki/APIReference 2017-08-12T17:14:36.282Z

    -- The game loop
    'flip', -- flip()

    -- Graphics
    'camera', -- camera([x,] [y])
    'circ', -- circ(x, y, r, [col])
    'circfill', -- circfill(x, y, r, [col])
    'clip', -- clip([x,] [y,] [w,] [h])
    'cls', -- cls()
    'color', -- color(col)
    'cursor', -- cursor(x, y)
    'fget', -- fget(n, [f])
    'fset', -- fset(n, [f,] [v])
    'line', -- line(x0, y0, x1, y1, [col])
    'pal', -- pal([c0,] [c1,] [p])
    'palt', -- palt([c,] [t])
    'pget', -- pget(x, y)
    'print', -- print(str, [x,] [y,] [col])
    'pset', -- pset(x, y, [c])
    'rect', -- rect(x0, y0, x1, y1, [col])
    'rectfill', -- rectfill(x0, y0, x1, y1, [col])
    'sget', -- sget(x, y)
    'spr', -- spr(n, x, y, [w,] [h,] [flip_x,] [flip_y])
    'sset', -- sset(x, y, [c])
    'sspr', -- sspr(sx, sy, sw, sh, dx, dy, [dw,] [dh,] [flip_x,] [flip_y])

    -- Tables
    'add', -- add(t, v)
    'all', -- all(t)
    'del', -- del(t, v)
    'foreach', -- foreach(t, f)
    'pairs', -- pairs(t)

    -- Input
    'btn', -- btn([i,] [p])
    'btnp', -- btnp([i,] [p])

    -- Sound
    'music', -- music([n,] [fade_len,] [channel_mask])
    'sfx', -- sfx(n, [channel,] [offset])

    -- Map
    'map', -- map(cel_x, cel_y, sx, sy, cel_w, cel_h, [layer])
    'mget', -- mget(x, y)
    'mset', -- mset(x, y, v)

    -- Memory
    'cstore', -- cstore(dest_addr, source_addr, len, [filename])
    'memcpy', -- memcpy(dest_addr, source_addr, len)
    'memset', -- memset(dest_addr, val, len)
    'peek', -- peek(addr)
    'poke', -- poke(addr, val)
    'reload', -- reload(dest_addr, source_addr, len, [filename])

    -- Math
    'abs', -- abs(x)
    'atan2', -- atan2(dx, dy)
    'band', -- band(x, y)
    'bnot', -- bnot(x)
    'bor', -- bor(x, y)
    'bxor', -- bxor(x, y, )
    'cos', -- cos(x)
    'flr', -- flr(x)
    'max', -- max(x, y)
    'mid', -- mid(x, y, z)
    'min', -- min(x, y)
    'rnd', -- rnd(x)
    'shl', -- shl(x, y)
    'shr', -- shr(x, y)
    'sin', -- sin(x)
    'sqrt', -- sqrt(x)
    'srand', -- srand(x)

    -- Cartridge data
    'cartdata', -- cartdata(id)
    'dget', -- dget(index)
    'dset', -- dset(index, value)

    -- Coroutines
    'cocreate', -- cocreate(func)
    'coresume', -- coresume(cor)
    'costatus', -- costatus(cor)
    'yield', -- yield()

    -- Values and objects
    'setmetatable', -- setmetatable(tbl, metatbl)
    'type', -- type(v)
    'sub', -- sub(str, from, [to])

    -- Time
    'time', -- time()

    -- System
    'menuitem', -- menuitem(index, [label, callback])

    -- Debugging
    'assert', -- assert(expr)
    'printh', -- printh(str, [filename], [overwrite])
    'stat', -- stat(n)
    'stop', -- stop()
    'trace', -- trace()
P#43186 2017-08-12 13:57 ( Edited 2017-08-12 17:57)