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Hey all, I've made an alphabet for people to use in designing levels. You can find it after the description.

So I've just started playing around with the Voxatron editor and I was saddened to find that there doesn't seem to be the ability to create letters or text built in to the editor. So I decided I'd make an alphabet of my own. I want the ability to tell a story as players progress through the levels I've designed. I feel stories can help players become more engaged, and provide a reason to want to get to each new stage. Perhaps some of you feel the same way. Since you might, I've decided to make my alphabet available to others so that they don't have to go through the tedious effort of making one themselves. The alphabet is in panel 2 of the object library and example of each letter can be found on the only room in the map. If you feel any of the letters need to be changed, feel free to let me know. The custom map with the objects in it is available below


If it is possible to make letters in Voxatron and I just haven't worked out how please let me know, otherwise enjoy the resource.

PS. I'm aware I have the X and Y letters the wrong way round on the object panel, but I can't work out how to reorganise the index in the object panel (if its even possible in the current version).

P#2238 2011-11-02 01:24 ( Edited 2011-11-02 05:24)