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Cart #25952 | 2016-07-27 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Hello guys! I recently got a copy of Pico8 and this is my first creation.

This is still at the very basics.
What the game will be:

A robot fighting game where the fighting program is randomly generated and then using genetic programming, modified to get stronger fighting algorithms.

Each robot will have a battery, 3 types of weapons, a heat gauge, and damage gauge.
Each robot will also have a 64 instructions program.

A program instruction will be simple commands like:

  • move
  • wait
  • shoot
  • repair

The robots fight automatically without player intervention but I am still thinking what kind of player
interaction to make, maybe sending some support items to your robot mid fight.

What is implemented for now:

A robot with battery, heat, damage, ammo. The robot program can have N instructions (locked at 64 for now).
The implemented instructions are:
move, wait, shoot
Only one type of weapon is implemented right now.

At the beginning of a fight each robot gets a random program and they fight until someone's damage reaches 100%.

Implement more instructions
Implement more weapons
Implement genetic evolution for the robot program.
Better graphics
More particle effects
Stage with obstacles
Sound FX
Title screen

P#25950 2016-07-27 01:01 ( Edited 2016-07-27 05:54)