I am new at Picotron and I´m studying the system and LUA language to enjoy it!
From now, I love it an it´s fun: very nice work!
I have a problem with coroutines and HTML version: in HTML version the executuion freezes (a loop with a yield inside) or the coroutines dont have any effect
Also, in HTML, time-dependant actions aren´t as accurate as in "cartridge" execution (I´m talking about changing Pan of a sound frame to frame, as the sound-emitter changes it position)
I don´t know if this is a normal behaviour or if it is a bug...I understand that HTML "player" or interpreter isn´t as powerful as the Picotron System
I´ll put here and example
function _draw() cls() print_one_by_one("Hello world!!!!") end function print_one_by_one(string) for i=1, #string do print(string[i],8*(i-1),0,7) for j=1, 15 do yield() end end while(not btn(5)) do yield() end [ [size=16][color=#ffaabb] [ Continue Reading.. ] [/color][/size] ](/bbs/?pid=159270#p) |