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Cart #4298 | 2011-11-14 | Embed ▽ | No License

Sorry, I needed to make an important change to make the final battle much harder. Version one can be easy and version two hard.


This is pretty awesome! However, the final battle stalled at a certain point for me, with no more enemies and no exit.

I really love the design, unfortunately, my program always crashes in the 2nd screen

Edit: I skipped the 2nd screen with the Editor. It's just great!

Thanks for your comments. It seems that I should have submitted this as a work in progress instead of a completed level. If anyone wants a specific prop I made let me know and I will submit it to the models and objects.

Really nice !

Same, it always crashes on the 2nd title for me as well. But the design looks very promising yes!

I loaded quite a bit of stuff in these levels, so maybe it can't handle large files, or it's just the way I constructed it. I'm not going to submit this adventure again. If you like you can play it through the editor.

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