I've played around a lot with using sspr() to palette shift custom areas of the screen, so I thought I'd share a function for doing so over a circular area. It's also what led me to make this suggestion here https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?tid=48796 It's not essential to any of my projects right now but I figured I'd call a bit more attention to it.
function ssprcircfill(x,y,r) pal(split"0,0,0,2,13,2,5,4,8,9,3,1,6,9,14") poke(0x5f54,0x60) for i=0,r do for op=-1,1,2 do local height,lefx=640*sqrt((r/320)^2-(i/320)^2),x-i*op local top=y-height/2 if top<=0 then height+=top top=0 end height=min(height,128) sspr(lefx,top,1,height,lefx,top,1,height) if(i==0)break end end poke(0x5f54,0x00) pal()-- return to defaults end |
To change what colors are shifted to what, just change the numbers in the pal function!
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