The New and Improved Pico-8 API Documentation!
Alternatively, here's the link in text form:
Why is it new?
I've been making a version of my own for some time now, just as I have updated the Sublime Text syntax for Pico-8. Since it's been 9 months since the original maintainer has updated it, I thought it was time to share my version. This work is based on the forked original API made by Neko250.
- Clear version number and more intuitively located information
- New and more specific tabs for content
- Reformatted & rearranged the existing data
- Heavily modified aesthetics, now more like PICO-8 itself
- Many (not all) new functions have been added
- Clear and concise annotations in code blocks
- Pico-8 built-ins highlight,just like they would in the IDE
- Keyboard shortcuts added
- this section needs the most work
- including 1 never found or documented previously, as far as I know
...and lots of love!
The future
I am writing a book, a bible, for Pico-8 at the moment. I needed a reference that was up to date just for this reason alone, as that book has its own (more in depth) reference for the entire API. That said, I will maintain this bad boy for the foreseeable future very, very quickly after Pico 8 updates.
When the day comes I can't or don't wish to, or someone more skilled than myself or Neko250 in the making of API cheatsheets comes along - I will pass it on to a new maintainer. Hell, anyone can fork this and do what they wish, as this project is licensed under creative commons.
Thank you,and please bookmark the API for future use!
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