This is my first game called "Hyper Realistic Bunny Simulator". It's still a work in progress and needs a lot of optimisation but it works, which is always a plus in my book!
The game is simple enough - you are a bunny that has to eat all the carrots in Farmer Smith's field, whilst dodging the farmer's gun (run, rabbit, run, rabbit, run, run, run!)
The title is based on 80s games by Codemasters and I went for a CBM16/Plus 4 look.
I hope you enjoy.
Edit: Version 1 update.
Fixed a bug that made the health bar go negative when filling the screen with poop (yeah you read that right!)

> also bunnies need to poop every 5 seconds or they slow down.
> Press X to poop.
Hahaha this made me laugh too much.
Wonderful piece of software!
Some "bugs" I encountered:
- The chicken spawned on top of my bunny once so the bunny got stuck and got killed by the farmer.
- While parsnips give you zoomies, its effect seems to terminate as soon as the bunny gets slow down because of the need to poop or after pooping. It would be nice that it lasted for a fixed amount of time regardless of these effects.
- Collision checking could be improved, but it is okay, it is always hard.

Thanks for playing.
Chickens get in the way terribly! Although they shouldn't get in the way like that. I'll have to have a look at that. Something to work on.
Zoomies are supposed to last the same as if you have just pooped, but just send you around faster. There's a bug that pops up every so often that puts you into constant zoomie mode and the only way to slow down again is to poop. Another on the "To Do" list.
Oh yes, collision. Not my finest skill. There's two collision detection routines in the game - circle and rectangle - that work but can be a little annoying. Another thing I need to work on.
Thanks for your wonderful feedback. It's very much appreciated.

I have found the path to victory:
The game gets pretty laggy when you do this!

Well, don't do that then!
I assume you played with the code? You could just give yourself thousands of lives.
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