Prehistoric Cantine - A 2 player coop game.
This is prehistory.
After school, the children play by the river and then go to eat in the school canteen. It's up to you to keep an eye on them and then take them to the school canteen.
Do everything you can to make sure kids don't fall into the water, bump into walls, or get swept away by dinosaurs.
When the bell rings, bring ALL the kids to the school canteen to take it to the next level!
Play with one controller per person or one keyboard for two.

French version is here :

Does this game have an antecedent? It feels like an original arcade concept to me, which, first of all, that's refreshing, so thank you. But if the player hasn't played a game like yours before, it means you've got to do a lot of work to teach the player how to read the playfield, and what they should be trying to do.
I think the big image with the controls on it is misguided -- you can figure out the controls yourself within seconds. What's harder is learning all the little tells the kids have, whether the text appearing at the top of the screen is just flavor or if it's something you have to react to, and what the goal even is.
I've found the most success by ignoring the timer and the kids injuring themselves, and just focusing on taking the kids to the cafeteria, regardless of whether it's actually open. Is that the intended player behavior?

Hello !
Thanks for your feedback !
I don't know if there have ever been games like this one. It's a game that I made inspired by the years when I worked in a school canteen, but maybe there are other games with this gameplay :)
The texts indicate what the children are doing (running and bumping into walls, falling into the river, being eaten...) but that is mainly for the atmosphere, not really to guide the player, I understand that it brings confusion, but it's also a bit of the desired effect: a lot of stuff happens, but the goal is to take the children to the school canteen :)
It's true that the way to earn the stars is not very clear, I might change that in a future update.
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