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Cart #aoc2024-4 | 2024-12-07 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Advent of Code 2024 is going on, and I've decided to do it in PICO-8. I'll try this for as long as I can, until I either run out of tokens or can't keep up with the days. Wish me luck, and happy holidays!

Spoiler alert: if you haven't solved these puzzles yet, these visualizations will give away the answers (and potentially the algorithms). If you want to solve these puzzles yourself, do that first!

How to use

  • Select any day that's available with the arrow keys and X.
  • Drag and drop your puzzle input onto the game.
  • Watch it go!
  • When it's finished, press X or Z to get back to the previous screen.

Also, check out my blog, where I'm solving Advent of Code in Python and explaining my solutions.


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