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Cart #turing_machine_bot-4 | 2024-11-30 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Turing Machine Board Game Bot


A "real" Turing Machine to play the board game Turing Machine (https://www.turingmachine.info/) with. Game rules can be found on the official website.

Now added all criteria cards (some of them specify a certain colour/shape/number which is defined secretly by the game and I didn't know until solving the game, therefore I didn't include those). And now has 42 levels!



This cards are different to be like this, However, the turning machine has survived a lot of time

Solutions are hidden, If you want to show them, go ahead and show them, it will expire after a report occurs

  • 1 142
  • 2 435
  • 3 [REDACTED]
    More solutions Coming soon

How do you read the clue □ < I = I > 4?


Ah, it was a "|", and the constraint □ < | = | > 4 means whether the □ is greater than or equal or less than 4. There was not a lot of space on the screen so I had to make the sentence shorter xD

So basically it's the criteria cards 2 to 4..

Ok I'm starting to make sense of this game now :)

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