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Something little I made after playing a card game and needing a quick way to settle a score. Also, a chance to discover menuitem.

Cart #cointoss-0 | 2025-01-06 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA



For better animation when the head side is visible but the coin is at an angle, you could use a squashed version of the head sprite instead of a generic blank head :

Cart #puhozapimo-0 | 2025-01-07 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

bro this was made today and I have been flipping this coin for over an hour.

That's quite a neat concept @RealShadowCaster, thanks for the tip. Here I prefer to keep the pixels crisp, but I'll keep it in mind for other projects.

Glad you enjoy the time-waster @appellova, maybe a tad too much :)

yea, simple but it has a neat pixel animation

@grie, I think I understand. I was hiding the pixel uncleanliness by having the animation be 60FPS where the eye is much more tolerant to missing lines, but I get the crisp low FPS game boy style you're after.
This might still be possible : by storing the heads drawings without the underlying coins and having a generic blank head sprite, the heads could be displayed by overlaying the sprite over the blank head (no display difference for the camera facing circular looking head)
For the inclined heads, the head graphics overlay could be done with a bunch of horizontal tlines. Because the FPS is so low, the choice of tlines could be manually chosen for sprite cleanliness for each coin separately.
More work but not as much as redrawing every frame for every coin at every angle.

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