A missile command minification in 1024 compressed bytes.
The earth is being invaded by aliens, they are bombarding all major cities with missiles. You are in control of air defenses in your city. Fire anti-missile ballistics into the air to create fireballs and destroy the incoming ordinance. Be careful not to aim on the ground near your city, the fireballs can damage your own buildings.
Your city has four anti-missile batteries, each can fire one anti-missile ballistic at a time. If all your batteries are destroyed, all hope for your city is lost, and perhaps the world may fall to our new alien overlords.
- arrow keys to target, X to fire.
- left shift toggles using the mouse to play.
- control+M mutes sounds.
Please reset the cart if you wish to play again.
You score a point for each battery in operation per missile you destroy. So the longer you keep all batteries safe the more points you get. The aliens increase their attack over time, an average game lasts around 5 minutes.
Feel free to share your scores in the comments! Now go forth and defend earth.
Known Issues
The arrow key movement does not restrict you to the play field, you can target outside the visible areas, try not to lose your reticule :) Sorry about this, I ran out of tokens for bounds checking.
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