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Cart #boycowboy_wip-2 | 2025-02-01 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


After picking at separate tasks in their own dedicated functions, I decided to start with a clean slate (and a start with a Boolean).

Shotgun() was the shell, where a button press makes PELBLAST=True. When true, the frames are called one after the other with FRAME=FRAME+1. When that gets to a certain point (the last frame), we clamp down on the ascension with a FRAME=6 declaration.

I'm not sure if the last part is redundant, but the core of the onion is a reset back to the first frame (if FRAME==6 then FRAME=1), followed by a reset of the Boolean itself (PELBLAST=False). This seems to bring us back to square one, where the button can be pressed once again.

Cart #febitiyadi-0 | 2025-02-13 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Hey! I'll add a new "title picture" next time. For now:

-I added some scrolling items to the scene! Personally, I'd rather spend time making a dedicated "arena" than a scrolling shoot-em-up but, given the nature of the tutorial, I will try to build out around those principles.

-The biggest to-do is how the scrolling behaves, and for what items. I'm deriving from a "starfield", so I'm unsure how it could apply in terms of "depth of stars". We are looking at the ground, after all... maybe it's only a matter of making an assortment of items, instead of many of the same item; stylistic, at the end of the day).

-Now that I'm making multiple sprites, the color synergies are calling attention to themselves. The desert, too, also feels too bright! I bet a moodier aesthetic would be nice; gunfire would stand out in contrast, and coding in some lighting effects feels like a great challenge.

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