Gordy and the Monster Moon is a bite-sized, Halloween-themed Zelda-like about a pumpkin astronaut going on spooky adventures.
- Explore the strange and varied biomes of the Monster Moon!
- Find upgrades and unlock shortcuts to help you explore even better!
- Defend yourself from monsters with a cobweb you found on the ground.
- Ask dad for help if you get stuck!
- What is in Lander B?
When I put this game on Steam in 2023 I wanted to make it available to the Pico-8 community for free, but I didn't want everybody to be able to play it for free because then who would buy it? The compromise I came to was to make the cartridge available for download, but not upload it to the BBS.
Well, it's a year and a half later, and whatever sales were going to happen have basically happened already, so I'm putting it here to make it easier to find and play. You can still go buy it on Steam if you want!

wow, thank you for release it for free! i've bought it during the steam winter sale :)

That was great. Loved the storytelling too. After winning, I kept exploring, and found the potion of sight (facepalm). I thought you overdid the invisible monsters, turns out I went through the door by repeatedly bonking my head on it instead of looking for the handle... The candy that helps climbing invisible walls and is dangerously sweet now also makes sense (relatively speaking)
I then kept looking... And found the guide ! Turns out it only showed me a ladder in the top right corner, just one screen above one I knew I still hadn't found a way to reach... and I'm as much in need of guidance as before. Oh well, it's just a last little missing secret, no biggie (who am I kidding, completionnist me will come back another day).
Good fun overall, thank you.

Yeah, that's the downside of my preferred design style of soft-gating and letting players figure things out by themselves. You can test and iterate all you want, but sometimes people just approach the game in the wrong head-space, or think in a slightly different design language than you do. I'm glad it eventually clicked for you, even if it was a bit too late 😂

This is incredible. You have made such a wonderful cart. I am going to have to spend some quality time with it. Thank you

Explored more systematically and found the last missing health. I suspect I found everything there was to find but would like some confirmation :
is there anything do here or with the guy on the surface near that point ?

Nope, you've found everything, that guy is just supposed to be a minor easter egg.

Good top down metroidvania! I've collected all upgrades and released all seeds without asking for hints from the father. Well except for one which he didn't give since I had to figure out myself.
I wish the secret book could give better hint about secrets but other items are good enough.

Thanks! Yeah, one of the problem with the Atlas is that most players find it after they've found almost everything else, so it doesn't help much.
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