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Cart #trashman-0 | 2025-01-10 | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

This is a trash manager for Picotron that loosely follows the XDG Trash Specification. You can use it to delete and and later restore files from trash.

Full usage instructions are in the README (also available from "Help" inside the cart), but basically you can drag/drop files to move them to trash. Left click a file in trash to restore it, right click a file in trash to permanently delete it.

You can also use Trash Manager as a CLI utility.
trash [files] to move files to trash
trash --list [search] or trash --search [search] to list/search trash
trash --restore [files]
trash --restore-all to restore all files
trash --delete [files] to permanently delete files
trash --empty or trash --delete-all to permanently delete all trash

Finally, you can use it in the tooltray. You can drop files to the indicator to move them to trash, and you left click the indicator to open the GUI or right click it to empty the trash.


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