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Hey all. As some of you who hang out on the irc channel will know, I'm writing a roundup article about P8 and I'd like to have at least a few actual .p8.png's displayed in the article. I don't want to distribute anyone's cart without their permission so for any that I showcase that don't give me permission, I'll use jpegs of the cart cover instead. Any that are featured will also link back to the respective bbs page.

Also, if anyone has decent gameplay gifs they would like included, I can include them as I generally suck at most of the carts ;)

You can have a look on BLD (https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?pid=15467). I released it under CC-BY-NC-SA. You can use it and distribute it. I'm enrolled in the ludum dare october challenge 2015 so if you can add a link to http://jihem.itch.io/bld, this may help me :-)
Have a good day

cheers! I've more or less finished the article now, but haven't submitted it yet, so there'll still plenty of time to add stuff

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