Bomber for Picotron is an enthralling Flight simulator, where you can relive the battle of Poland, Ohio in the American Civil war, as one of the brave RAF pilots which fought in the battle of Poland, Ohio in the American United States of America North American American Civil War.
Vector Art:
(Piss: It is hard to win; you need to employ the same strategy used by John Earl Grey, captain of the RAF Squadron fighting in the battle of Poland, Ohio in the American Civil War)
(Piss Piss: Win + Loss screens for the battle of Poland, Ohio in the American Civil War do not work in the browser)

Wowzers! This game was so good! I realley felt like I was an RAF pilot in the battle of Poland, Ohio during the United States of America Civil War. The only improvement you could add would be a John Earl Grey dating simulator as the third secret ending.

@Soupster No i just forgot who made Bomber: An American Civil War Battle of Poland, Ohio from the Point of an RAF Pilot Simulator. (It was me)

bro this feels like a Newgrounds shitpost.
10/10 would play again

guess i have to put it on newgrounds now. i dont think it will make it over 1 star.
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