Inspired by a Windows screensaver.
To install :
load #bubbles save /appdata/system/screensavers/bubbles.p64.png |
Some options can be modified inside the cart
(bubble count, colors, size, etc)

I saved the .png to the home directory.
shows bubbles-0.p64.png is there
load bubbles-0
just returns
'could not load'
same with
load bubbles-0.p64.png
I can load some other stuff I made from the same directory... am I doing something wrong?

Great screensaver, makes me nostalgic of Vista.
@camp39: Which version of Picotron are you running? There used to be a bug where filenames with hyphens weren't loading properly but that should have been fixed in 0.1.0c.

I have 0.1.0c but your solution did fix it.
I also could not load another cart with a dash in it.
After going into .lexaloffle/Picotron/drive
(I'm on linux) and changing the filenames there, everything worked as expected.
Thank you for the fast tip! Looks like that bug is still there cause I just bought picotron less than a week ago.
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