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Cart #46052 | 2017-11-09 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Hello! Er... this is the first game i've ever made with Pico-8, so please forgive all the bugs you'll find in this little game.

This is my little homage to one of the games I used to play in my arcades back in the early eighties when I was a kid... a game with a trackball, many missiles and the almost impossible task to avoid a thermonuclear world war for as long as possible.

Yes, I know... that's not exactly a very cheerful theme, but it's also not worse than your average "zombie apocalypse" theme that you can find in many games today ;-)


In this game the final war that will annihilate the human race has just started. Your name is Dave Theurer, and unfortunately you're not a superhero. You can't stop all the missiles and you can't keep your loved ones and your city safe forever; but if you're brave and lucky enough you might be able to allow your fellow citizens to see the lights of another day.
Till the next night of bombings.


Use your mouse or the directional keys to move the gun target. Push the Z button or click the left mouse button to shoot a single rocket, Keep pressed the X button or keep clicking the right mouse button for rapid fire.
Shoot the enemy missiles and avoid them falling on the buildings. When your last building falls, it's game over.

P#46016 2017-11-08 16:17 ( Edited 2017-11-11 17:24)

Great work as a first game.
The music sounds familiar, and so is the game, much like Missile Command, except in this you can go crazy with the missiles :)

P#46121 2017-11-10 23:33 ( Edited 2017-11-11 04:33)

The music is the cover of "The Final Countdown" by Europe

P#46141 2017-11-11 12:24 ( Edited 2017-11-11 17:24)

cool stuff

P#119293 2022-10-19 06:26

Awesome version of missile command! And now I want to die so I can hear the song in the end!

P#138102 2023-12-01 17:01

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