When using multiscreen mode, the following function (which should print a scaled text) turned out to render only on the first screen:
function scale_text(str,x,y,c,scale) memcpy(0x4300,0x0,0x0200) memset(0x0,0,0x0200) -- draw to spr mem at 0x0000 poke(0x5f55,0x00) print(str,0,0,7) -- draw to screen mem again poke(0x5f55,0x60) local w,h = #str*4,5 pal(7,c) palt(0,true) sspr(0,0,w,h,x,y,w*scale,h*scale) pal() memcpy(0x0,0x4300,0x0200) end |
Just like normal printing, I expected this to work in multiscreen with the following calling code:
poke(0x5f36,1) scrs_w, scrs_h = 3,1; scr_ix = 0; _camera = camera function camera(x,y) x = x or 0 y = y or 0 local dx=flr(scr_ix % scrs_w) local dy=flr(scr_ix / scrs_w) _camera(x+128*dx, y+128*dy) end function _draw() scr_ix = stat(3) camera(0,0) cls(scr_ix+5) sspr(0,0,24,24,200,30,48,48) print("hello",120,80,8) scale_text("hello",110,60,12,1.5) return scr_ix < stat(11)-1 end |
But the result is a cut-off scaled text, while the normal text and the other sspr() call work just fine.

I think this is a bug in PICO-8, with remapping gfx memory not properly working in multiscreen mode.


Ok, this turned out not to be a bug but simply a thing of using multiscreen correctly. Drawing to sprite mem also needs to be offset by 128*(screen index).
So the working code for a multiscreen general text scaling routine would be:
function prints(str,x,y,c,scale) memcpy(0x4300,0x0000,0x200) memset(0x0,0,0x0200) poke(0x5f55,0x00) print(str,stat(3)*128,0,c) poke(0x5f55,0x60) local w,h = #str*4,5 sspr(0,0,w,h,x,y,w*scale,h*scale) memcpy(0x0000,0x4300,0x200) end |
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