Roguelike - 10 lines
I'v just bumped into Jakub Debski's 10 liner roguelike for the Atari 800 Turbo Basic XL and I knew that I had to port it to Pico-8. So here it is!
An extended version can be accessed (here)[]
Pico-8 port
It's a faithful port of the original Turbo Basic XL version. So it's 10 liner too, but I had to made some modifications:
- the original playfield was 20x20, I had to reduce it to 16x20 because I wanted to use wide characters in the Pico-8 version.
- I'm using Pico-8 builtin glyphs instead of numbers for the monsters and for the collectables because - you know - I wanted to use the wide characters.

The original is an entry to the BASIC Ten-Liners - Contest 2014 by Jakub Debski. 2014, so it's 9 years and 9 days old today.
original entry

How to play
(note: this is mostly the original rules, but changed to the Pico-8 variant)
Press Fire to start.
To win you have to survive to level 8 of the dungeon.
In the dungeon:
웃 - represents your character. Move using joystick.
◆ - gold - collect as much of it as you can.
♥ - healing potion restores 5 hit points
⬆️ - magic scroll increases your maximum hit points (stronger scrolls appear deeper in the dungeon)
♪ - musical note to enhance the weapon. Stronger weapons can be found deeper in the dungeon, but be careful - you can replace your weapon with a weaker one.
monsters - the shape of the monster represents strength of the monster.
- Monsters chase you.
- Stronger monsters cause more damage. Monster shape 5 cause random damage 1 to 5.
- You hit monster with random strength up to your weapon strength (with weapon 5 you cause randomly 1 to 5 damage)
- Monsters steal items from the ground.

I've no plan extending this game. Maybe I should check the difficulty because it's somehow too easy: I think I messed up the damage calculation.

Hi I've created a somewhat expanded version and crunched it to fit in an url.
Will post soon
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