I have completed my first ever PICO-8 game for the Ludum Dare 51 game jam!
The theme was 'Every 10 Seconds'. Our game is about a cat with 9 lives who must survive different obstacles for 10 seconds.

The game jam page can be viewed here - all ratings are appreciated!

I literally need couple seconds to understand what's going on before being able to play properly.
Too bad I can only score 13. Maybe I could do better next time.


Nice difficulty ramp. Gold star.
It's very polished as is, but if you feel like being particularly mean you could:
- Make any input while sleeping cost a life. (Or make it a little forgiving during the first second, for people still pressing keys from the previous level)
- Make the left end of the conveyor belt hazardous, so the player can't just let it roll them over there between jumps.

Those would be mean additions, good thinking! A lot of players say it's too hard already - I think it would be kinder to give them an extra heart during nap time instead!
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