Review: Solid mod. Its green so thats cool. gameplay is alright, nothing too new. Pretty dang good mod.

Thanks, I'm glad you liked it! It's my first mod, so I wasnt gonna do anything crazy.

hardest ever try for the first time. coudnt pass lvl2 :´(
Thats why its so cool

6:26 with 68 deaths on first attempt
Great mod, love to see the difficulty in some of these!

im definitely one for spike clipping so this mod was awesome
(pretty sure this is the only level i'm clearing normally)<br>

Super fun, 288 deaths on first run, how many berries? I got 10

Love this mod, my only complaint is no way to disable screen shake.

4:58 x2 berries 47 deaths less goooo
3:33 x2 berries 21 deaths less gooooooooooooo
EDIT #2:
really fun mod btw. really fun gameplay, balanced difficulty (for the most part), only thing is, its really short. hope it gets extended.
EDIT #3:
imma try and get a no death speedrun run. might take a while.

I'm not planning on updating or extending it, but it makes my day that you enjoy it! Good luck on the deathless run :)

i still havent completed it lol
3:07 x2 berries 0 deaths finally AHHHHH
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