i also think i should post some speed tech, it sems like there is only a slide jump, but there are 2 versions of this, one where you jump in 1-1.5 block high gap before going under (jump while sliding btw) and another where you jump on the corner of a half block you slide under, these both teleport you to different locations and are both very much needed for speedruns, as if you need to go down youll have to use one type, as if you use the other youll go up. another techique is grace sliding, if you slide off a platform your grace frames increase, letting you make farther jumps. (if you dont know what grace is its where you can jump when you go off of a platform for convenency so it doesnt feel hard to jump) edit: you dont get more frames the slide is just faster so its farther away from the platform in the grace period

Amazing little game. Just wanted to "test" it but couldn't stop until I played through it (ending B).

coming back to the game months later, it still has its charm (and I could still remember my strat), and I see why i nerder over this game before

A fun and perfect length game; worth continuing to polish if you can spare the time. I reached Ending B.

Very fun, just got the last ending!
Thanks for an amazing little game :D.
You can't grab onto the ladder while pressing the jump button, so you have to do a tricky little maneuver where you let go of it.

Very fun game, the 1st room in the game I found the slide glitch and it helped me get all ending. Ending a is definitely the hardest, but it’s not overly hard. Overall good game, doctors recommend

here after picotron remake... oh boy this game looks better there.

Was really overwhelmed by the idea of going for Ending D last time I played, but came back to do it and it turned out to be way easier than expected while still being a fun challenge. Super cool game!
ETA: Ending A is way harder to get

Umm, I've seen some talk about this in the comments, and it's prob a well know glitch for speedrunning, but i just started playing this and accidently slide under a halfblock and pressed shoot, and then i teleported somewhere else.

Idea for ending E: you do ending D but before becoming half slime you attack the Slimepires and become part of the will of Oblivion
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