Starred and favourited this ages ago, but seeing it bumped up the BBS I gave it another go. Its really great. A simple idea but very effectively implemented.
I don't think I had ever completed it, but I managed to complete with 1 coin, so I'm going to head back and go for all 4. Is it possible to complete with zero restarts?

Yeah, that is my bad, I should have fixed that so u can complete with zero deaths :) Thanks a lot

@amidos2006, no problem, I modded my version to set steps to 10 when getting a coin. This way you can 100% the game with no death. This is also a change I'll apply to the aquarius and PC CGA versions.
About the PC CGA version, I'll be using 16 colors 25 lines 80 colums text mode, for compatibility with first IBM PC. Each onscreen character is a fixed character with top half set and bottom half not set, and I'm only touching the color attributes of the text cells, leading to a 50 lines 80 colums resolution, with no constraint on where the 16 colors can be used.
If you know a pixel artist willing to color the game's sprite sheet in CGA colors, I'm interested.

That is a nice solution, I wonder if it changes something in the gameplay overall but maybe not :) you can always spawn a flag in the coin location when you collect it to be consistent :)
unfortunately, I don't know anyone but it would be amazing to see the game in colors too :)
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