@kometbomb there was effort early on with help of @zep to get the sound generation close. what differences are you hearing?

gamax92's fork seems the most active right now.
It also fixed del behaving differently (delete all occurrences instead of the 1st one as in pico8), which apparently also fixed the "del in foreach" crash mentioned in the first post (that said, you should avoid modifying your sequences during an iteration, esp. removing an element in a forward iteration!).
For now I'm on vanilla PICO-8 but I'll have a further look at it when I need to port my game. Or when I'm fed up with simulating pico8 original functions myself to run my external lua unit tests.

This is a really old thread but can anyone tell me how to use this? I'm a complete noob and essentially have my pico.8 game, i have the picolove files, do i rename my game and replace the nocart file? then drag the entire folder into love2d? Also, is there now another solution which has made this defunct somehow?

Yeah that's how you do it. You can also zip the whole folder and rename it to yourgame.love. For packaging on windows and macOS just google love2d game distribution.
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