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I've tried specifying the channel but didnt change anything.
My sound is definetly working, the volume on the sfx's notes are higher than 0 and I can hear the statup bleeps from Pico-8.

P#148083 2024-05-07 21:01 ( Edited 2024-05-08 23:25)

Someone plz help me, even if you insult my cringe semicolon

P#148087 2024-05-07 21:15

@VUltraBOT I think the program is finishing after _init, that's why the music stops playing. If you add _update or _draw it should continue.

P#148089 2024-05-07 21:28

If I had to take a guess, they have their music on index 0 and not 1. Can't really tell without the cart data though (paste your .p8.png here)

edit: The semicolon isn't cringe. It's a feature of Lua, so if you feel like using it, then it's fine. During compilation, it likely adds a near-zero negligible amount of time to compile the additional semicolon, and that's the worst case scenario.

P#148147 2024-05-08 20:58 ( Edited 2024-05-08 21:01)

It was actually the lack of a function that runs every frame, the way it is in the picture the program doesn’t even start the music for more than a frame, since the only function is the _init after it runs that the program ends

P#148152 2024-05-08 23:15

thank you @Soupster and @MrGoober for the help

P#148153 2024-05-08 23:20

Ah I didn't know that actually. I had assumed that the music module would continue playing even after program execution ends. After running your program, you could run music(1) in the commandline and it would play music just fine. I guess when it runs a cart it sort of sandboxes the resources.

P#148157 2024-05-09 00:01

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